After a glowing review from a workmate whose judgement I implicitly trust, I thought it was worth seeking out. Although it's a little bit scary for my natural liking.
Leonardo di Caprio was very good. His sidekick - very good. Ben Kingsley - very good. The film - hmmm. I love to think I just didn't get it. But on further discussion with this workmate, I think it was probably meant to be just as it was. Which was heavy handed and would I go so far as to say rubbish? Maybe that's a little too far.
But the script writer could've taken a couple of lessons in avoiding clichéd nonsense. That might have helped it a little. The musical director could have taken a lesson from anyone that ever produced a film without a soundtrack that drowned out any pleasure in the cinematography. Yes, it looked lovely. As lovely as it was meant to - which wasn't very. To be more accurate, it looked as foreboding and sinisterly chilling as it was meant to.
But as a film, albeit one heavily nodding to Hitchcock in case he's watching, it did not thrill me.
I found out subsequently that this esteemed workmate also rated Borat.