We did not go through to the next round. Maybe some of us might question the adjudicator’s taste (though never that of the emergency panel) but if the adjudicator favoured weighty plays of substance that dealt with the topical, terrifying issues of the world like dementia and prolapsed wombs, who are we to argue?
The show itself was great fun. Aided and abetted by Stephanie’s real cousin (as opposed to her slut cousin) who does a day job for Charlie Miller so loitered in the dressing room curling and coiffing before we went on stage. It must have looked lovely. Umi’s friend’s photos from the tech were fantastical enough to surely please the most demanding of directors. Not fantastical enough however, apparently. We could have “pushed things further”. What, like stupid fairy who went rather overboard with her magic casting sound effects..?
Three shows and a good deal of nit-picking later and we were consigned forever to the scrap heap of the one act play festival. Although we’re in worthy company there. The Proposal also received nothing. Susan’s masterful bridal flourish received nothing. And nor did what I hear was an adorable little play from Lorraine and Big Village. So perhaps we’d rather be on the scrap heap.
But I’m sounding bitter and I wouldn’t wish to do that. On the plus side, I’m untangling the weeks old heap of clothing on my chaise longue at last. I’ve finally scoured my way through weeks old washing up heaping up on my draining board. I have some clean socks again so don’t need to resort to those good quality pretend socks that you get on airlines. So some small equilibrium is restored to my small world.
And I have a bumper week of watching the professionals to do it to compensate for the loss of wand waving and feather flouncing and screeching screeching to my spirits. I’ll miss bad fairy. Maybe she can make an appearance now and again when I’m really riled. I’ll carry my wand with me always, just in case.
(I have tried to post this approx. eight times. Perhaps at last, it will work and my gentle readers can rest easy, knowing they're well and truly updated. Albeit from a week ago.)