Thursday, June 19, 2014

Almost last but one rehearsal. On the most beautiful summer's evening so thank you to all of them (and my AD) for giving up wine in the garden or cricket on a lawn or a (Cari, envious: "it's real pub garden weather, isn't it?) pint at a trestle table in a jostling backyard. For our little slippy small but hopefully perfectly formed #fiveminutetheatre.

And phsew. They all know their words. Thanks, kids.

They all look like they mean what they're saying. Except perhaps when they're doing a line run.

They're all now (how would you say if you were being pretentious - which clearly I am not) inhabiting their characters and twitching and shrugging and wry smiling without really thinking about it.

My work now slides into nagging and reminding.

Almost done.


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