Sunday, May 14, 2006

Incidentally my friend Mr Neill made a comment a while back that I could use graffitti on the back wall of the stage to liven things up. After my initial affront - that anyone would dare to disagree with the mastery of the director - I have now grown accustomed to the idea and indeed adopted it as my own.

To the extent that when a crazy girl started chattering at me on the night bus on my way home last night - and on discovery that she's an animation student at the art college - I found myself presenting the graffitti idea as my own and asking whether she thought an art college person might be interested in creating some artwork for us. She was very enthusiastic. Although that could have been the three pints of coke she professed to have drunk.

The Observer Woman magazine this weekend apparently debates whether a baby is the new designer accessory. Exactly why I wanted to do this play. I wonder if I could get hold of their TV ad and play it before the play starts...?

So anyway Golfer, I salute you. I shall have to credit you in the programme.


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