Friday, July 23, 2010

Of course it's only normal for it to suddenly go a bit shambly. First rehearsal of the week didn't quite happen for a variety of sketchy reasons which I love to think weren't actually my fault but possibly were. Though it left me with time to have a nice chat with actorless prompt of the night, Dave and to give Laura her bitchy blocking and to do a little work with Ferdinand as he scowled back at me. So it wasn't a total waste of time.

Thursday was more shambly. Ferdinand (who was not on Thursday particularly shambly but has great empathy) felt it might be a consequence of not being on the boat. Perhaps. Or perhaps I was just grumpy and people didn't quite know their lines yet so this made me grumpier. But I only really growled at one point.

And an odd growl now and again probably does no harm. We're back on the boat on Sunday in what I expect to be more glorious sunshine given our nautical track record. To my deep disappointment, we didn't appear to get a boat photo in The List, despite my conscientious emailing of several picture formats to them (thanks, DKPW) though I haven't painstakingly leafed through every page of the bumper issue yet. But this aside, I think we're limping along towards getting there.

42% of tickets are sold. 18 days are left to go. Though that's almost, no wait, that now is 17 days. It's going to be fine.



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