Sunday, July 18, 2010

I expected this afternoon's rehearsal to be atrocious. It was the first after the scripts should have been shed. Considerable numbers of the cast were hungover on account of Saturday night debauchery. Alonso was selfishly up at St Andrews. Stephano selfishly taking a holiday with his lovely wife in London. The weather was selfishly not raining again. Though mysteriously twitter suggests that it was raining on Liam Rudden at approximately the same time, also in Leith. Perhaps god really has created a giant Shore sized umbrella for us.

Anyway, the entrails were not laid out auspiciously. But I need not have feared. Hangovers were mostly fought and beaten. John did sterling work as both king and courtier. Larry prompted with fervent attention. Mary laughed obligingly at many of the right moments and other less expected junctures. Neil and Tommy strummed delightfully harmoniously. Miranda did a mildly hungover but still charming rendition of Beyoncé's Single Ladies, complete with dance routine pastiche. The Antonio / Sebastian plotting scene was enlivened by Miranda and Ferdinand's love scene delivered on the roof atop us. Many lines were remembered. Though many more were forgotten. But all in all, it was a pretty respectable offering. And they still - sorry, we still - have three weeks and a day to go. It's going to be a cracking little show.


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