Sunday, April 18, 2010

A veritable plethora of artistic delights this week.

Monday: Persepolis. Which was charming, intelligent and thought-provoking.

Wednesday: Il y a toujours que je t'aime. (Inadequately (in my opinion) translated as I have loved you so long.) Lovely, elegant, understated. Beautifully French.

Friday: Kick-Ass. Great fun. A perfect Friday popcorn movie. In Mindy, I have a new role model.

Saturday: The Odd Couple. The female version. Lorraine, as ever, superb.

And tonight I'm stepping out to prompt for Closer.

Apparently, Marber has rewritten it for performance in South Africa, specifically in Durban, brief home oh so recently to my little sister, with an all-black cast. Which would make for interesting viewing. Though I'm sure it won't be as good as DG's all-white version. I shall keep you posted.


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