Thursday, August 20, 2009

I'm in the Fruitmarket Gallery cafe. I've got a pack of students on one side of me - two plump and pretty girls looking bored and two bland faced boys, one of whom is holding court describing his visit to Palace of the End ("there was a second monologue from that guy who, y'know, was accused of sexing up the dossier, and it was like really, really sad". Heartbreaking I thought it was but perhaps I am just too used to dealing in superlatives). On the other side of me, three more interesting looking people and the girl saying "so I made a giant pair of wings and stretched them from the top to the bottom and it looked really good". I love the Festival.

I've been doing pretty well til now, not sleeping through shows. Unless they're really boring in which case I allow myself some small naps. But I totally failed today. I've just been to see Walden. Which was a lovely piece of theatre. Again in illustrious company as there were 35 seats, to be found on two beautiful but uncomfortable wooden benches (not an auspicious start to a nap time you would think) and I was sat directly opposite Mike Russell who I'm very fond of, not that he would know me from Adam. So between him and the close proximity actor, you'd think I'd be able to keep my eyes propped open for 50 minutes.

But it seems it was not to be. I was doing beautifully for about twenty minutes. But the actor had a soft soporific voice, kept making soft swirly patterns in the sand on the floor and it was a soft and soporific play for the most part. Albeit a beautifully done one. So my eyelids started drooping and I ended up in the old familiar battle of trying to keep them open. But I clearly failed as I opened them again at one point - who knows how long they'd been shut - to find the actor staring hard at me. Luckily the alarm perked me up and kept me lively til the end of the play. But I noticed he did not meet my eye when he took his curtain call at the end.

Ross - several cast members in fact - were very put out at one particular audience member who did not clap on I think it was Monday night at the end of the show. Maybe he'd just been napping so didn't feel that he could clap with any justification. Luckily I'm not so principled.


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