Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Well, tonight, let me think, approx 28 days since my first audition, I at last have something like some shreds of a cast in place.

It feels like it has been a mammoth struggle to get this far. And of course it hasn't really.

It's only that my hankering for tidiness has been affronted by the sluggish way in which this process has dawdled along.

I must not be complacent. As some inconsiderate offer-ees have been out or at least, not answering their phones.

So I'm not out of the disreputable woods yet.

But a little chink of light between the tough sturdy trees.

Which is all you can ask for, right?

(Oh, and to all those that have been in and have said yes, hoorah! I salute you. And I cannot wait to Begin.)


Blogger uberpiglet said...

Can't wait to know who you have cast although I appreciate you are still waiting for a yeah or nay from some!!

10:32 am  

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