Thursday, October 21, 2010

Because I am working on what could possibly be my dream project right now, I found myself this afternoon sitting amongst the pillars and bottles of exquisite Italian spirits in Centotre talking to the lovely lady who markets the Book Festival. And she said (amongst other things) something along the lines of this:

"Do you know, what's amazing about the Book Festival is that it's all us. We set it all up. Down to putting out the recycling bins. The vinyl stickers on the tents telling people where things are and the stickers on the recycling bins telling people which is glass and which is paper. We've planned it all. We've wheedled with the authors. Juggled the timetable. We decide where the tents go. If we want to move one a bit to the left - or add another one - we can, even while it's in the middle of going on. And I'm lucky because when it gets to the festival itself, I'm not locked in one specific location on site. I go wherever I'm needed. People come to me whenever they've got a question they don't know the answer to. And so you're wandering about looking at it all thinking "we did this". There's nothing like it."

So that, I think, is it.


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