Thursday, September 16, 2010

I ran a workshop on the barge today. Now that was a bizarre experience. I sat through a presentation on there yesterday but luckily it was interesting enough that I didn't stare mournfully about dwelling on what had gone before.

Today, workshop running, you get a bit more chance to pause for thought, primary school teacher-esque, when they're working away in their little groups.

The first moment of brilliant bizarreness came when it dawned on me that clearly the boat hasn't been used for anything much interactive since we 'moved out'. As the flipcharts were still lying all neatly flipped in that little low bit at the end. So I had to grovel around in this little low bit to retrieve one which is always a dignified way to start a meeting.

Then the flipchart still had Chris' tempest-torn boat scrawled on it. And the legs were all lop-sided as it hasn't been used for six weeks. And then as I up-ended it, I found a little tattoo backing sticky bit that someone had clearly peeled off before sponging on their nautical (or spidery) design and school-boy chewing-gum style, fastened there instead.

The rest of it passed pretty uneventfully. Til I happened to be at the right end of the boardroom table, listening to them trotting through their offerings and it dawned on me suddenly that this was more or less exactly where I was sitting for my favourite frozen "anything" moment. So I grinned inappropriately as a client shared a difficult political issue.

With luck, they didn't notice.


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