Tuesday, August 28, 2007

We got an absolutely disastrous review from Three Weeks which I shall reprint here for the entertainment of my beloved readers.

Productions like this only inspire one to give up watching theatre altogether. The direction has no sense of timing, pace, energy, characterisation or drama. Long scene changes kill any interest in the action, which is overlaid with a cringe-worthy soundscape and dreadful lighting design. Chris Condie is the least bad of a very poor cast, the others sucking all life out of their characters by delivering every line in soulless monotone. Any quality there may be in Abi Morgan's script is frustratingly snuffed out by the woeful company it has found itself in. When good writing is butchered like this you are better off reading it at home than going anywhere near the catastrophe.
rating 1/5[tl]

Thanks tl. View from the Stalls were much kinder. For which I thank them sincerely.

And a mixed review from fellow committee member Lorraine in the Edinburgh Guide. Though it seems that she's finding fault with the script rather than necessarily the production. Or maybe I'm clutching at straws.

I'm quite astonished that we got so many reviews actually. Normally we strive and struggle to get even one. Maybe we have the Evening News to thank for this.

So now we're in the extraordinary situation that google-ing our show (using the right combination of search terms you understand) throws up an entire first page of results that are just us. The 2001 Traverse premiere only features on the second page. I'm quite excited about that. Even if half of the coverage is ambivalent.

Bless you all. (Except Three Weeks.)


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