Tuesday, January 02, 2018

It's been a quiet old blog, these past months. I feel guilty for neglecting it. But my script stole most of my words in December. I even banned myself from reviewing things to try and get it finished.

Obviously, the second it was despatched, I thought of many ways to make it better. But in less than a week now, workshops begin with this express purpose. Refining and improving my no doubt lumpen and obvious first draft and attempting to whip it into a shape for a reading.

For a week and a little bit, I haven't read a single feminist tome. In fact, I'm currently shamefully reading Jump! by Jilly Cooper. My Christmas dose of froth. You would struggle to find a less progressive view of womanhood than the view presented in this great work so I suppose that's kind of like research too.

I'm touched and delighted at the number of people that have got in touch and asked to take part. I'm also touched and delighted by the correspondence that has gone to and fro in the name of this show already. I suspect it will be the start of a very interesting conversation.


Blogger Pavements and Princes said...

I have always had a soft spot for Jilly Cooper

10:34 am  

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